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This guide was created to support you in building a meaningful and connected life while dealing with the challenges of a body that has its own agenda. It comes from my experience as a psychotherapist and podcast host focusing on the journeys of folks living with health challenges, and as a person living a perfectly imperfect life with Multiple Sclerosis myself.

Whenever I meet someone with a health challenge, I think, "I'm sorry this is how we met, but I'm so glad that now we get to be together in this."

Please know that wherever you are on your journey, all of you is welcome. You are multifaceted and your path is likely full of twists and turns. My hope is that you get to connect with your heart and your wisdom along the way, and with a sense of kindness and compassion for all you're going through.

Here's to building an epic life that's in alignment with what fulfillment means to you. I'll be cheering you on along the way.

With love,